This week the government shutdown on account of a fierce dispute between Republicans and Democrats concerning, chiefly, President Obama's Affordable Health Care Act.
Somehow, someway, however, Congress also found time to do something productive, namely by enacting the "Small Airplane Revitalization Act of 2013 " ("SARA2013").
On October 5, 2013, the Senate announced its adoption of the SARA2013, with amendment:
Small Airplane Revitalization Act of 2013
At its core, the SARA2013 would help manufacturers bring new technology for Part 23 general aviation airplanes to the market faster.
Back in August (when the legislation initially (and unanimously passed the House of Representatives), the president of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association ("GAMA") remarked:
“This legislation will help industry and the FAA develop and adopt more effective regulations and standards that will spur manufacturers’ investment in new aircraft designs; it will also help put critical lifesaving equipment into the existing fleet of airplanes. These changes represent a ‘win-win’ by enhancing safety and relaxing unnecessary regulatory cost burdens on industry and the FAA, which will help revitalize the lighter end of general aviation.”